Tuesday, May 31, 2011

mamorial day weekend

i had a great weekend. the first day i went down town with my brother his friend and my cousin. we went to big guys magic shop and my brother's friend bought this really loud plow horn with know batories. it hurts your ears. so as we where walking back we went under a bridge and he did the horn and it echoed. the seconed day we tried to go downtown but it rained and so me and my brothe went to oure house with oure cousin, then to his house and his brother got a gillie sute. after we saw that we went to oure hous to have an airsoft war. the therd day i don't think we did anything. but the last day was a blast. we went to my friend's house to have an airsoft war, insted we really didn't have one, befor my other friend came we where waiting, and so we went on his go cart and had a water war with the nabors, then when the other friend came we took turns driveing the go-cart and my brother ran over a tree. when we where finaly going to have the airsoft war the nabors just delaid us because he just had to get the go cart, and lost the magasine for my other friends hand gun.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

paint balling.

paint balling to me is one of the best sports. paint balling really gets adrenillin pumping as you advance into enemy fire. every time i go paint balling i hardly loose. its always the team i'm on advancing and the other team staying in the starting point. one time i got so far up i almost maid my team shoot at me. ive been paint balling 3 times, one with the waukeeshaw composit squadron in cap, the other for birthday, and the last for fun. when i went just for fun i thougt that it wouldn't be fun because we had to play with a hole buch of randon peopl, but i loved it!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

the music i hate.

the music i hat is rap, and pop. i can not stant hearing it, it is so anoying. the song i hate most is firework. rap i can tolorate but pop is a different story. i hat all the music that we dance to in school dances. its so horrable. to be honest i don't know why everyone started listening to it. i remember when they maid all these rock bands, gitar hero's, not its dj hero. i have know idea what happoned. and when we run inside the gym, it actully gets me mad hearing it.

Friday, May 20, 2011

airsoft revolver.

sometime when i mow the lawn my dad will get me an airsoft revelver. i thought that would be the coolest thing and when i finaly looked it up it was even cooler. it opens like a real revolver and it has fake shells where you put the bb in the back, and i'm gessing that the hammer will hit it and it goes. the gun has about 260 ft per sec. i just though that when my cousins come over to have an airsoft war that would be the coolest thing to use it.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

CAP promotion.

in the united stats air force auxillery, Civle Air Patrol, i am going to be promoted to a cated airmen first class, or a sinor airmen, i cant remember. i was an airmen for the longest time and i never had the oportunity to pass the test. when i finaly did i only got for wrong. then i had to do the drill test. i compleatly faild at stopping, when the flight sgt say, "flight halt" we are sapose to take one step then stop. i stoped out of formation. but i still passed, i'm so happy that i'm finaly not an airmen.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My fat cat 2

yesterday i went to take my cat to the vet. when i was playing a game i didn't want to go at the time. so when my mom was bagging me to go she turned down the volume and all i herd was cynder moon, it was so cute i had too. so i picked her up and got in the car, all the way there she was moning and moning. when we got in the office ( don't exactly know what to call it ) i opened the cage and she wouldn't come out. when the docter came he took apart the cage and all i saw was her head pop up. that day she was scared of the doctor though. every time she goes there its the same deal with the cage but when she got out she feeled so welcome, i noticed when the doctor was trying to examon her she looked like she trying to get away. that day i found out that she had some tissue like a tumer that will not effect her, and she is 12 lb. when we got home, the husky amber was waiting to eat her. i had to hold her back untill she choked herself. the lab baily doseint want to eat her but amber does. she is always trying to get at her by garding the stairs. my mom yells at her a lot.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

My Fat Cat.

I have a fat cat named cynder. cynder is really wide, and her fat sags down like an emty sack, we call them sattle bags. Cynder is a black cat, really cute but she never comes out because my dog bothers her. every day around 7 she goes to watch tv on my dads lap, and when she looks at me she look like she hates me.
Cynder is really fast. when my dog scares her she runs to a gate - we have the gate so the dogs don't brake things wile where gone - and she jumps, runs on the wall and lands. she may be fat be she is fast! one time when i was littler we built a barracade out of bouncy balls over the stairs to prevent her frome going up- the barracade was about 3 ft and the star was about 6in- and when we got her scared she ran and jumped it, pluse it was uphill.
i think my cat migh understand us, or maby all cats. we figured this might be the problum but she pee's on oure beeds and we think she does that because she gets mad at us when we pick on her. befor i was born my mom and dad had a cat who's hair was snarreld, so they got it cut, and the doctor said "do not make fun of that cat." and we think thats why. the other night me my mom and brother where sitting down and oure cat came, eventully my mom was talking her and she mention the litter box and how it smelled, and she look really ticked off, she looked so made.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


to me life kind of sucks. evey situwation is me agenced the world. every time, everyone is agenced me and aparently everyone hates me becuse i complane. i get picked on pritty often by ___ in my L.A. class. i'm always discludid, and thats pritty anoying. i have only 4 friends and only are around 2 of them and they only talk to eachother.
today i hate what everyone likes. everyone likes watching footbal, i hate watching it. everyone thinks there cool obsessing over chilish things like elmo and smerfs. this stuff is going way way to far. and people make fun of me becuase i like guns. so what, guns pretect oure rights.
i really hate eli too, and hate is a strong word. ___ is just a plane butt. he picks on me, and in 5th grade he would really pick on me, and i wont let that go, he ruend my life. he even picked on my friend till he cryed. he thinks hes all that too. i don't see why anyone in the world likes him. why in the world would anyone be friends with someone with scuch an attatude.

Friday, May 6, 2011


I've probably posted this befor but i half to say that shooting is by far the best experiance i have done. i love to feel kick and smell the gun powder. i'm not really good at hitting the target, but i don't miss. i often don't hit the bull's eye, the bullet goes up, and when i aim more down it still ends up hitting up.
my favorite gun to shoot is a hand gun. hand guns are just more fun to shoot. riffles look nice and i'de rather have a riffle, so i'de say there pritty even. my favorite typ of gun is a .22 cal, therefor it has know kick, to me thats a problum because the joy in a gun is sound kick and looks.
Lots of people are afraid of guns, because they don't think of it this way, guns save lifes. guns do not kill, its the user that killes, and the gun who helps him protect and surve his country from the ones that are trying to destroy it. or a cyco who has no reson to kill. and if people ban guns, then they will half to ban knifes, then baseball bats, etc. everything these days could be used as a wepon and will be used as one.

Monday, May 2, 2011


My favorite teacher int this scool is Mr.Cat. he's like my grandma and mom, when i go to my grandmas house i get A LOT more freedom. he lets us work with partners and we get to soshalize (as long as we work although most don't). thanks to him i mad another friend i can trust 100%. if only every other teacher let us learn with oure frineds i think that i would do a lot better in school. if only.